Helping ambitious B2B startups with growth.

Starting a business is easy, growing it is the hard part. NexGen Digital helps early stage B2B startups create a strategic growth framework that propels marketing and growth in a systematic and scalable way. All this without huge expense or all the marketing fluff.

Straightforward strategies for growth

If you want Mad Men style marketing and advertising strategies, we're not for you. We realise that there are a lot of marketing companies that are full of fluff. We are a no-nonsense, straight-talking, results driven growth consultancy that helps you drive bottom line profitability.

Identifying the need...

I'm Barry Rodrigues and I'm the founder of NexGen Digital.

In my 20+ years as a marketer, I've worked with a variety of organizations in a range of industries & verticals

But I love working with startups and small businesses purely because I believe startup founders have a lot of creativity, drive & enthusiasm, and have built some of the most innovative products and services out there.

However, there is a flip side to that equation.

Startup founders are great at creating products, coming up with a business plan and even managing people.

But not every startup founder or small business owner is a great marketer and most struggle to get traction, find clients and drive growth.

I've met dozens of startup founders, entrepreneurs and busines owners in the exact same situation during my last 5 years working with startups.

In the past, it was easier for founders and entrepreneurs to take on the reigns of marketing in their companies due to the one-dimensional nature of marketing.

But fast forward to 2023, marketing is a complex and multi-layered discipline.

Don't get us wrong, current-day marketing is great compared to what it was before.

Because unlike in the past where you had to make assumptions and rely on data that was mined from ratings and home surveys (that were extremely biased), today you can communicate with your fans and customers directly using social media.

You can access their domagraphic and behaviorial data to understand their buying habits better.

You can even customise your communication to them and their user journey to give them a tailored customer experience.

But that makes marketing a bit more multi-layered and multi-dimensional than it was in the past.

It now requires a new set of skills that cover creativity, data science and a bit of pshychology.

That's where we come in.

The methods we have developed aren't "revolutionary" neither are they any "best kept secret".

At their core, they are fundamentally the same things that were done in the past. The only difference is they are being implemented on modern platforms.

And because they have been tried and tested on and by a bunch of B2B startups over the last few years, there is a very good chance they will work for your startup or business.

That's why you need to do what you're good at as a founder or business owner - whether is it developing your product further or managing your team....and leave the marketing strategy to us.

The main reasons most startups fail is they don't find enough customers that are willing to pay for products or services.

So you might have the best product or service in the market but if nobody knows it exists, it doesn't matter.

That's why you need this acelerator!

Who is this accelerator for?

Our Growth Marketing Accelerator is for any B2B startup that wants to grow faster using marketing in a very strategic and scalable way. We typically work with early stage B2B startups and SMEs that have a proven product or service and a roadmap. If you identify with any of the points below, this program is for you.

You have a great product but no growth strategy

You've got a fantastic product or service with a good amount of interest from your market but no idea how you're going to acquire clients and grow revenue

You lack a consistent approach to growing your business

You're generating revenue but not in a predictable and consistent way. You haven't nailed down one or two specific traction channels that bring you leads and clients.

You're using books & YouTube videos as consultants

You are not a marketer and are constantly reading marketing books, listening to podcasts and watching YouTube videos to find the "perfect hack" to grow your business.

You can't afford a full-time  CMO or senior marketer

Getting a full-time or part-time CMO can be tough for a startup, not to mention the high costs of  paid ads and developing content that attracts prospects and converts.

You're the only star player on your team

You're the smartest member of your team, constantly spending time perfecting your product & putting out fires and in doing so, working in the business and not on it.

You're making emotional and not data-driven decisions

You're the co-founder or chief product officer and as such you're too obsessed with and close to the product that you don't see things objectively.

Why having a great product isn't enough...

"A startup is a company designed to grow fast. The only essential thing is growth. Everything else we associate with startups follows from growth."

Paul Graham

Entrepreneur & Venture Capitalist

"If you can get even a single distribution channel to work, you have a great business. If you try for several but don’t nail one, you’re finished. "

Peter Thiel

Entrepreneur, co-founder of PayPal, Venture Capitalist

"Almost every failed startup has a product. What failed startups don’t have are enough customers."

Gabriel Weinberg & Justin Mares

Co-authors - Traction

The 9 modules we'll use to grow your startup

Build a framework for your entire process from your target audience,  buyer personas &, buying committes to choosing the right traction channels to help with growth.

This is a combination of a value statement along with a series of appropriate challenge and benefit messages followed by a set of features that comprise a well-structured messaging framework

We'll work with you to create a roadmap for your content based on buyer personas, buying journeys & desired outcomes in your funnel along with a content repository that you can use over time.

While content is great, it's still necesarry to target prospects strategically. We help you with this using targeted cold email outreach at scale.

LinkedIn's the best platform for B2B businesses and we'll show you how to leverage it to drive more high quality MQLs into your funnel.

We'll map your sales process from the time you get an MQL and help optimise your prospect's journey to give you the best chance of converting them.

We help you create or curate a list of software tools/platforms to be used based on indsutry, customer profile, compliance, integration ability, needs and budget.

This module covers how we get and utilise prospecting data (is it acquired or scraped)?. How is the data integrated within existing systems and compliance with GDPR etc.

Finally, we'll work with you to create a set of metrics to measure not only your tactical wins but your overall growth strategy by using the OKR (Objectives - Key Results) framework.

Watch a recording of the webinar we did breaking down how you can use LinkedIn to grow your influence and generate leads for your business!

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Why work with us?

Our program is put together by people who've grown the marketing function for real startups. as well as top tier brands in various industries.

Strategy Focused

We work on the foundational aspects of your business We ask the right questions to get the reight answers that help put together approach.

Growth Driven

Unlike traditional marketers that are focused on brand guidelines and color palletes, our main focus is growing your fans, your customers and revenue.

Lean Marketing

We use lean marketing strategies, tactics and technologies to save you time, money and resources so that you can get your resuls fast.

Full-funnel Marketers

We don;t just bring leads to the top of your funnel, we ensure that they convert. Once they do, we  try our best to get them to bring in more clients.

Scalable Solutions

We double down on the strategies and tactics that work enabling you to scale your marketing efforts quicker, bringing you results faster.

See what our clients have to say

What our clients say

"Barry is really good at creating strategies for growing your business as well as the latest tactics to hook customers using persuasive marketing techniqiues."

Joe Kamran

CEO of Open Space Leathers

"Barry and the team at Nexgen  are absolute wizards when it comes to digital growth strategy. He not only helped us with our strategy but put together a framework to measure long-term growth."

Marla Grover

CEO of Real Estate Company

"I have learnt and implemented so many new marketing tactics and strategies since knowing Barry. He is always full of new ideas on how to grow your business using marketing"

Viks Patel

Founder at Opportunity Finder

Brands we've worked with

Get a 30 minute consulting call FREE!

Copyright NexGen Digital 2023: Disclaimer

The Growth Marketing Accelerator is NOT for aspiring entrepreneurs or startups that have a product in development. We are looking to partner with early-stage startups and small businesses that have a ready to launch product or service aimed at the B2B market. The program involves a varied level of commitment and dedication. We will require you to be available for at least 2 hours a week for workshop calls for each module. You may also be required to do some leg-work compiling data and getting your team to execute the tactics that we agree upon.

The program MAY also require a small amount of expenditure (Paid Ads, Content Writing, SEO etc.) that is outside the scope of our accelerator. This is only in the event that you do not have access to the required reources. The products, services and partners we use are based on our relationship and experience with them.

The end results whether they are leads, booked calls, MQLs, SQLs or revenue wil depend on the amount of work you put in. By virtue of signing up to our program, you agree that you are fully responsible for the investments you make and any outcome that may result.

NexGen Digital Ltd is a company registsred in England & Wales

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